Not Just 4 Letter Word DATA 1

Not Just 4 Letter Word: DATA

Data has become the most valuable asset in today’s world. An individual’s personal data allows companies to efficiently develop, tailor and market their services and products based on user demographics, interests and spending habits. But data breaches have increased significantly over the past few years, imposing threats to an individual’s privacy. As a result, many…

Everything You Need to Know About GDPR

Everything You Need to Know About GDPR

GDPR is an important regulation that defines the rules relating to the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and rules relating to the free movement of personal data. Even though this data legislation primarily applies to European-based organisations, it is also applies to businesses dealing in data resilience, data…

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Announcing Data Resilience

We’re excited to launch our Data Resilience Framework. As organisations around the world continue to embrace Digital Transformation, boards and executives have increasingly realised that their existing data protection solutions are no longer robust enough to meet their needs, and today’s leaders need an integrated approach to data resilience: a business-focused view of their data…

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Data is Critical Infrastructure

The federal government should treat the personal data of Australians like critical infrastructure, with better protection needed to keep information secure as a consideration in foreign investment and takeovers. Speaking at an Australia China Business Council event in Sydney on Monday, Foreign Investment Review Board chairman David Irvine went off-script and detailed his efforts at…

30AUG19 ACCDataSharingTesters

ACCC seeks new testers for Data Sharing Regime

Article by Rohan Pearce, Computerworld. 26th August 2019. The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) is seeking parties to participate in early testing of the new data-sharing system, the Consumer Data Right (CDR). The government earlier this month legislated the CDR, which will allow an individual to request that an institution holding certain data about…

Alternate Approaches For Privacy Management

Alternate Approaches For Privacy Management

Many companies are extending the reach of their networks to incorporate wireless products into their repertoire of devices. This makes the network quite vulnerable to external intruders and also complicates matters regarding the protection of the network from unauthorised access. Typically network managers implement counter-security measures to enhance security. Having said that, the question of…